empowering statistics for better decisions

Uganda Statistical Society (USS)

USS is a professional body dedicated to promoting the discipline of statistics in Uganda and Africa. Established in 1976, USS brings together statisticians, researchers, policymakers, and professionals across various sectors to advance statistical knowledge and its application in decision-making.

Uganda Statistical Society

Advocate for the use of accurate, reliable statistics to inform policy decisions and promote transparency through research, education, and collaboration.

Uganda Statistical Society (USS)

National Statistical Societies were established way back in 1960s and many with a view of strengthening statistics as a profession and bring together the statistical fraternity. Since mid1990s, new ones were established & others revived. The roles of Professional Statistical Societies were to; promote the discipline of statistics, create statistical awareness in society, promote the use of statistics in all walks of life especially for informed policy, planning and decision making, nurture the statistics profession and lobby for reforming National Statistical Systems and for resourcing them and bring together practicing (public sector statisticians) and theoretical (academic) statisticians.

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+256 784 034 292

Shaping the Future with Statistics

our vision statement

A professional association that promotes the discipline of Statistics.

mission statement

To promote the use of statistics for evidence based policy and decision making in the public and private sector.


To improve the quality of statistics produced through professional practices.

Where We Work

world map Placeholder
world map
Join, Learn, Connect, Grow, Lead


Ordinary Membership

Any person with a certificate, diploma or degree in Statistics, or any other related subject, from a recognized institution with reasonable knowledge in Statistics, or anyone engaged in the application of statistics in Government, Industry or any other organization, or anyone engaged in the teaching of Statistics in any recognized school or institution shall be eligible to be an Ordinary member of the Society.

Associate Membership

Any person/group that does not qualify to be an Ordinary Member but is interested in the activities of the Society may be recommended by any Ordinary Member to the Executive Committee for Associate Membership. The membership shall become effective with the approval of the General Meeting.

Corporate Membership

(i) Any organization collecting or using Statistics and (ii) Any Statistics Club, Society or Association of a recognized school or institution.

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