Our History


Promoting Statistics Uganda

about us

Uganda Statistical Society (USS)

USS is a professional body that brings together statisticians, statistics users and those engaged in professions that use statistics. Membership to the society is open to all professionals and students in the fields of Statistics, Applied Economics, IT and other natural and physical academic disciplines that are big contributors in the National Statistical System.

It was created in 1976 and in June 1980 it became fully established. Its core objectives were to;
1. Promote standards in the statistics profession
2. Share experiences in different statistics fields
3. Stimulate and promote research in statistics
4. Promote teaching and application of statistics in planning and decision making in public
and private sectors

Historical Background and Origin

In Africa, National Statistical Societies were established way back in 1960s and many with a view of strengthening statistics as a profession and bring together the statistical fraternity. Since mid1990s, new ones were established & others revived. The roles of Professional Statistical Societies were to; promote the discipline of statistics, create statistical awareness in society, promote the use of statistics in all walks of life especially for informed policy, planning and decision making, nurture the statistics profession and lobby for reforming National Statistical Systems and for resourcing them and bring together practicing (public sector statisticians) and theoretical (academic) statisticians.

By 2011, 25 African countries had Societies which were dynamic e.g. Ethiopia, Egypt, South Africa, Nigeria, that had the right leadership and contributed to the promotion of statistics in their society Associations. To date majority of these countries have statistical societies, USS is one of them and the leadership has significantly evolved.
In 2007, UNECA worked towards strengthening National Statistical Societies by; inviting them to important regional statistical meetings, compiling and publishing information on them in African Statistical Newsletter, championing formation of new associations & strengthening existing ones.
In addition FDB & UNECA worked on the revival of African Statistical Association using National Statistical Associations as a building block and also the International Statistical Institute promoted Associations.

Major Activities

The Uganda Statistical Society organizes a number of professional events including: Monthly Statistical Seminars, Public lectures, Annual Dinners and Workshops, Conferences, Special forums and Breakfast meetings, Annual General Meetings and National and International day celebrations.

Monthly Statistical Seminars

The committee resolved to maintain and organize monthly USS seminars preferably every first Friday of the month and they provide a platform for members to share experience, ideas and acquire more statistical knowledge.


These are usually held in the various universities. New Students offering statistics are enlightened by successful senior members of the society about the statistics profession career.

Public lectures

These are usually held in the various universities. Students are enlightened by successful senior members of the society about the statistics profession and on how to become successful in different careers.

Annual Dinners and Workshops

The society organizes a dinner for its members, which helps to provide a moments of togetherness as all members of the society are invited to dine together.

Special forums and Breakfast meetings

The society organizes special forums and breakfast meetings for togetherness of members

Annual General Meetings

USS holds an annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, in which the Executive Committee gives a report of what transpired during the year and provide to the members its future plans. Every two years at the AGM members elect a new Executive Committee.

National and International day Celebrations

USS joins other stakeholders to organize the African Statistics week that usually take place annually in month of November


The society organizes conferences for its members, which provide moments of togetherness for all members of the society.