
Membership is restricted to persons who have an active interest in the
objective of the society. Every member is required to uphold the dignity of the profession.
All associations, institutions, companies and physical persons that wish to be admitted should uphold the dignity of the profession.
New Members will be announced at the AGM and presented with a Certificate.

There are five categories of membership of the Society, namely: Ordinary Membership, Associate Membership, and Corporate Membership. Student Membership and Honorary Membership

Ordinary Membership

Any person with a certificate, diploma or degree in Statistics, or any other related subject, from a recognized institution with reasonable knowledge in Statistics, or anyone engaged in the application of statistics in Government, Industry or any other organization, or anyone engaged in the teaching of Statistics in any recognized school or institution shall be eligible to be an Ordinary member of the Society.

Associate Membership

Any person/group that does not qualify to be an Ordinary Member but is interested in the activities of the Society may be recommended by any Ordinary Member to the Executive Committee for Associate Membership. The membership shall become effective with the approval of the General Meeting.

Corporate Membership

i) Any organization collecting or using Statistics and
ii) Any Statistics Club, Society or Association of a recognized school or institution.

Honorary Membership

Any person/ sgroup whose former or current statistical activities merit it, may be recommended by any Ordinary Member of the Society for Honorary Membership, with the approval of the Executive.

Student Membership
Any student of statistics studying statistics and allied subjects in a recognized school, or institution shall be eligible to be a student member of the society.

Membership Fees

Members are expected to pay the membership fees as follows:

  • Student member pays shs.20, 000 for the maximum of 3 years.
  • Ordinary member pays shs.100, 000 to join and 50,000 annually.
  • Corporate member pays shs. 1,000,000 for registration and shs. 700,000 annually.
  • Associate and Honorary members pay shs.100, 000 to join and 50,000 annually.

A member can opt to be a life member by paying a fee of shs.1, 000,000 (Shillings One Million) Payment of fees can be made through Bank Account No; 6003646732 in Absa Bank Kampala in the names of The Uganda Statistical Society (USS) or paid at our office at Statistics House Room 6.5 on 6th Floor or on our telephone number  256784034292 MM in names of Ayeera Slyvia or to designated persons at various institutions and organizations.